Environmental Ethics: The Necessity of Ethical Approach based on Environment to Social and Natural Sciences Environmental Ethics

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Published Sep 16, 2021
Kıvılcım Ertan


Environmental problems all affect our life adversely.

The question of environment is inter-disciplinary. The problems of environment are in relationship and interaction with each other.


As the solutions for environmental problems require labour, affordability (or cost) and time, it will be convenient to speak about environmental problematic instead of environmental problems (as the term of problem indicates simple issues).


Our views of nature and relationship with nature are also related with environmental ethics. The development of the relations between man and nature, gives us a hint on the improvement of environmental ethics.


Ethics, as a part of philosophy aims the tradition which is passing through a mind filter, shows us how to live (Des Jardins, 2006: 58).


The attention of environmental ethics toward other living and non-living beings is supported by ethical approaches. 

The inadequacies/in sufficiency of ego-centric environmental ethics contribute the emergence of new ethical approaches.


It is not possible to understand (embrace) the discussions of environment without using the main concepts such as rights, justice, equity and benefit (Des Jardins, 2006: 57).


Morality can be seen as traditions, principles and practices of a man or of a culture; ethics is related with a wider sphere which consists of the philosophy of morality. the term of ethics as the principles which shape and determine our behaviours, values and approaches towards environment (Pojman and Pojman, 1988: 4).


The theory of ethics is an attempt to find systematic answers for the philosophical problems which were generated by descriptive and normative ethical approaches (Des Jardins, 2006: 61). In a broad sense, the theory of ethics includes the solutions of moral, political, economic, legal and social problems (Des Jardins, 2006: 61).


The purpose of the ethics is to determine the rules and principles to have a better quality of life (Des Jardins, 2006: 71). The quality of life affects the life of present and next generations.


Besides, the lack of environmental consciousness is a serious problem. Every year, over 8.8 million of people die because of air pollution on all over the world.


Aim of the study: to emphasize the importance of environmental ethics and eco-centric environmental view on both social and natural sciences.


Importance of the study: The involvement of environmental ethics at natural sciences, as it does at social sciences, will improve the life quality of living beings, will contribute the strength of ecosystems so this study will widen and enlighten the limits of natural sciences.

Method of the Study: Academic books and articles will be reviewed.


The Hypothesis of the Study: To achieve the integration of the philosophy of environmental ethics with social and natural sciences will widen and foster the perspective of natural science as it does on social sciences; also will improve the life quality on Earth and the life quality of living beings and contribute the essence/presence of non-living beings.


Limitations of the Study: this study will present an introduction for the relationship of environmental ethics with social and natural sciences.


Outline of the Study:



The context and necessity of Environmental Ethics

The contribution of Environmental Ethics to Social and Natural Sciences

Conclusion and proposals




How to Cite

Ertan, K. (2021). Environmental Ethics: The Necessity of Ethical Approach based on Environment to Social and Natural Sciences: Environmental Ethics. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from https://spast.org/techrep/article/view/867
Abstract 53 |

Article Details


Environment, Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Social Science, Natural Science


Aristoteles (1983), Politika (Politics), İstanbul: Remzi Publication.

Joseph R. Des Jardins (2012), Environmental Ethics, USA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, fifth edition, 304 pages.

Joseph R des Jardins (2006), Çevre Etiği, Çevre Felsefesine Giriş, (Environmental Ethics: Introduction to Environmental Philosophy), İmge Publications, Ankara.

Louis P. Pojman, Paul Pojman (Ed.) (1988), Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application, Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Sagan, Carl and Richard Turco (1990), A Path Where No Man Thought: Nuclear Winter and the End of Arms Race, UK: Random House.


Aristoteles (1983), Politika (Politics), İstanbul: Remzi Publication.
Joseph R. Des Jardins (2012), Environmental Ethics, USA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, fifth edition, 304 pages.
Joseph R des Jardins (2006), Çevre Etiği, Çevre Felsefesine Giriş, (Environmental Ethics: Introduction to Environmental Philosophy), İmge Publications, Ankara.
Louis P. Pojman, Paul Pojman (Ed.) (1988), Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application, Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Sagan, Carl and Richard Turco (1990), A Path Where No Man Thought: Nuclear Winter and the End of Arms Race, UK: Random House.
Aristoteles (1983), Politika (Politics), İstanbul: Remzi Publication.
Joseph R. Des Jardins (2012), Environmental Ethics, USA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, fifth edition, 304 pages.
Joseph R des Jardins (2006), Çevre Etiği, Çevre Felsefesine Giriş, (Environmental Ethics: Introduction to Environmental Philosophy), İmge Publications, Ankara.
Louis P. Pojman, Paul Pojman (Ed.) (1988), Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application, Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Sagan, Carl and Richard Turco (1990), A Path Where No Man Thought: Nuclear Winter and the End of Arms Race, UK: Random House.

ES: Environmental Sciences