Emotional Competence in Adolescents

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Published Sep 19, 2021
Nivedha Ganesan Jyotsna Nagpal Sanskriti Rawat


Human behaviour is determined by the emotions that we experience. It’s important for an individual to be aware of one’s own emotions and be able to identify and regulate them. In the education sector, it is not uncommon for a teacher to observe her learners experiencing a myriad of emotions throughout the day. These emotions might be the result of their confederation with a certain incident, social setting or past experience. Thus, it is essential for a teacher to understand and cater to the emotional needs of her learners. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the emotions are perceived by adolescents, their abilities to deal with emotional situations and the factors which influence their emotional incompetence. The paper aims at studying the Emotional Competence (EC) of learners on the basis of socio-economic status, gender, religion, physical capability and cognitive capacity. Furthermore, the paper focuses on the solutions to improve EC in adolescents by discussing the role of teachers, parents and the school. 

How to Cite

Ganesan, N., Nagpal, J., & Rawat, S. (2021). Emotional Competence in Adolescents. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from https://spast.org/techrep/article/view/593
Abstract 139 |

Article Details


Emotional Competence, Emotional Incompetence, Adolescents, Emotions, Improving EC

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