Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Revolutionising Web-Based and Online Intelligent Educational Systems

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Published Sep 15, 2021
Ashraf Alam Shamsher Alam Shamsher Alam


Artificial intelligence (AI): Today AI is a significant technology worldwide, and is the fastest growing [1]. These advancements enabled the incorporation of traditional computer configurations into low-cost smart gadgets, thus bringing AI to masses. These devices have incorporated powerful built-in capabilities for complex computational operations (edge computing). The ability to connect rapidly to network, capacity to collaborate on issues utilising cloud-based services, and facility to access both public and private data sources have made AI technology even more significant [2-4]. AI technology, because of its rapid advancements and discoveries in computing and robotics, has resulted in intelligent computers, robots, and other artefacts that can mimic human skills.

AI in Education: How might artificial intelligence assist in the process of learning? The impact of technology on the way learning and teaching are carried out is shown through new modes of delivery. Due to rapid advancement in AI technology in last decade, the application of AI in educational settings is rapidly becoming the standard. Historically, AI technologies have made many contributions to education. AI has enabled the development of robotic instructions, automated scoring system, and other ways to assist teachers and students [5-7]. Artificial intelligence has been warmly welcomed and extensively embraced by educational institutions in a number of ways. Artificial intelligence began with computers and computer-related technologies, progressed to online intelligent and web-based educational systems, and eventually moved to web-based chatbots and humanoid robots fulfilling the responsibilities and functions of teachers [8-9]. Instructor-specific apps assist instructors in grading and marking assignments, streamlining instructional processes, and cutting down on time spent on administrative chores. Because systems are now created utilising machine learning, they are highly adaptable. This enables learning materials and courses to be customised for each learner [10-11]. As a consequence, it is feasible to raise student performance, enrolment ratios, and course completion rates. AI is critical for effectively educating future generations. AI contributes towards shaping of education in two distinct ways: (1) by determining the kind of education that is needed, and (2) by improving the educational process by assisting and increasing instructors' abilities to educate pupils. While considering schooling, it is necessary to consider the fact that AI and comparable technologies will eventually disrupt a large number of occupations including education [12-13]. Significant changes in professions such as the need to update educational materials may result in development of many new job portfolios. AI will eventually change work environments by deciding occupations and acting as a kind of instructor by reforming and aiding educational procedures [14].

Aims of this study: This study investigated how artificial intelligence affects educational opportunities, and is limited to the use of AI technology in educational administration, pedagogy, curriculum transaction, and learning processes. In this paper, researchers have also analysed the challenges and opportunities caused by adoption of AI technology in education.

Methods and Methodology: The research approach and methodology used in this study were a literature review and qualitative research methods. This approach was critical to the study's success. We conducted a comprehensive study of current advances in AI technology applied to education sector in order to demonstrate the value of AI in teaching and student assessment.

Structure of the research paper: This article initially outlines AI’s application in the domain of education, such as virtual classrooms, teacher evaluation, and adaptive learning. Following it, the paper discovers AI’s impact and benefits for both professors and students by assisting professors in developing their teaching abilities and assisting students in mastering new information. Finally, it puts forward the challenging issues AI may encounter in aiding several cases of school reforms, as well as the long-term effect on education.

Findings and Conclusion: Our study establishes that all NLP-enabled intelligent education systems include AI. These AI enabled methodologies enhance learner’s and teacher’s capacity for reflection, for answering inquiries, for resolving conflicting assertions, for generating new queries, and for decision-making. Nonetheless, when it comes to professional work life, it is difficult to resist conflating artificial intelligence with other technological advances.

How to Cite

Alam, A., Alam, S., & Alam, S. (2021). Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Revolutionising Web-Based and Online Intelligent Educational Systems. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from https://spast.org/techrep/article/view/506
Abstract 340 |

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Expert Systems, ICT in Education, Intelligent Systems, Machine Learning, Teaching, Educational Technology, Artificial Intelligence

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