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Published Dec 12, 2023
Malika Mukhiddinova


The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that by now the level and depth of study of pronouns does not correspond, firstly, to the generally accepted and general modern level of theoretical development of the Korean language as a whole, and, secondly, to the backbone role that pronouns play in the general structuring of the language . The ability to perform the function of a subject, predicate, etc., is one of the important distinctive structural forms in the grammar of the language under study, which requires special study. Until now, as a result of research, only the morphological features of pronouns in the Korean language have been determined, leaving the issues of the syntactic functioning of pronouns unresolved. Such studies are important for the development of theoretical linguistics and methods of teaching the studied language.

How to Cite

Mukhiddinova, M. . (2023). ABOUT THE PRAGMATICS OF DEACTIVE PRONOUNS IN THE KOREAN LANGUAGE. SPAST Abstracts, 2(02). Retrieved from https://spast.org/techrep/article/view/4586
Abstract 39 |

Article Details


Korean language, pronoun, demonstrative pronouns, function, types of pronouns, structure, morphology, syntactic function.

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