The ethnolinguistic characteristics of English in Uzbek languages of the concept of time

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Published Dec 28, 2023
Sherzod Djabbarov


The face of a nation is shaped by the society that inhabits it, including its laws and regulations, national mentality, ethical and aesthetic requirements, customs, and other factors. Language serves as the primary means of understanding this complex unity and reflects the individual's way of life within the broader context of societal norms and values. This article examines the comparative analysis of various ethnic groups' cultural and linguistic characteristics, time-specific associations, and linguistic structures using phrases and metaphors. It also highlights how language reflects ethno semantic peculiarities that are conceptually based on metaphors to express specific cultural meanings.

How to Cite

Djabbarov , S. . (2023). The ethnolinguistic characteristics of English in Uzbek languages of the concept of time. SPAST Abstracts, 2(02). Retrieved from
Abstract 34 |

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Time concept, ethnolinguistic, ethno-semantics, enantiosemy, linguistic-cultural concepts, experimental method, jowza (April), javrab, asad (August), cognitive metaphor, referential situation, the semantics of time and aspect.

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