Characteristics of the “Shortest Story” Genre in Modern Arabic Literature

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Published Dec 28, 2023
Dr Dilafruz Mukhiddinova Dr Nargiza Saidova


This article describes the formation and specific features of the “shortest story” type in modern Arabic literature. The “shortest story” in modern literature also varies in terms of subject matter. In them, daily life events, human nature, relationships between people, human inner “I”, mental state, experiences or thoughts about life and existence are revealed in a compact volume. While in traditional prose examples, advice and instruction prevail, in the “shortest stories” the conclusion is referred to the reader, symbolic-metaphorical, surrealistic images of modern reality, and factors that deeply reveal the human psyche are leading. The “shortest story” type is very short stories written by Arab writers such as Jubron Halil Jubron, Najib Mahfuz, Hima al-Muflih, Hakima al-Harbi, A'bir Khalid Yahya, Mahmoud Shuqair, Izzat al-Qamahawi, Yusuf Damra, etc. formal and substantive features, style and skill issues are covered.

How to Cite

Mukhiddinova, D. D. ., & Saidova, D. N. . (2023). Characteristics of the “Shortest Story” Genre in Modern Arabic Literature. SPAST Abstracts, 2(02). Retrieved from
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story, “shortest story”, parable, anecdote, wisdom, image, “new wave”, national existentialism, mythologizing, didactic, method, skill.

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