A Systematic Survey on Fog and IoT Enabled Healthcare

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Published Nov 5, 2021
Vijaita Kashyap Ashok Kumar


Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical goals, and medical care has become more reliant on technology in a variety of ways. Medicine and technology have long been intertwined in the healthcare business. In today's fast and demanding environment, it is difficult to find time to visit the doctor on a regular basis. These days, some of these smart gadgets are utilized for health monitoring, diagnosis, and even therapy [1]. In this article, a survey of numerous publications connected to our healthcare and integrated with fog computing and the IoT has been conducted. In the healthcare industry, different approaches capable of collecting patient vitals with the assistance of numerous wearable sensor IoT devices transfer the information to the fog server for processing and revert to the IoT and medical devices that are examined by physician. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a collection of medical equipment and apps that reduce hospital visits and allows practitioners to remotely monitor patients [2]. In this section, a comparison table and sensors in the medical sector have been utilized by many researchers with their specific technologies based on various procedures and their conclusions.

How to Cite

Kashyap, V. ., & Kumar, A. . (2021). A Systematic Survey on Fog and IoT Enabled Healthcare. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from https://spast.org/techrep/article/view/3254
Abstract 103 |

Article Details


IoT, Fog Computing, Healthcare

[1]. B. Farahani, F. Firouzi, V. Chang, M. Badaroglu, N. Constant, K. Mankodiya, Towards fog-driven iot ehealth: Promises and challenges of iot in medicine and healthcare, Future Generation Computer Systems 78 (2018).
[2]. S. Swayamsiddha, C. Mohanty, Application of cognitive internet of medical things for covid-19 pandemic, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 14 (5) (2020).