Managing business in COVID-19 era: Opportunities in E-commerce and Teleworking sector

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Published Oct 19, 2021
Eugin Prakash Pathrose Bharati Shetty Mayakannan Selvaraju


Covid19 has had a major impact on how people work, socialize, and plan for the future. This societal split has a significant negative effect on industries, causing not just economic disruption but also instability and disorientation. Simultaneously, as in any major disaster, fresh ways to reinvent the industry in a new light and with a new wind will arise. As a result, the Special Issue's subject is distinctive and original, as the crisis is now occurring; as a result, we seek to accompany, capture, and investigate developments as they arise. It calls undoubtedly for the era of Ecommerce and Teleworking. The business opportunities are expanding remotely today. All organizations must adapt to the new normal which is the Global operating system of businesses. Besides that, the situation that businesses are facing with Covid19 is unique, and it will have a long-term effect on their industry. Many management tactics, business strategies, and procedures that have succeeded in the past would almost certainly fail in the future. Scholars must not only provide new analytical models and structures to understand such shifts, but also new managerial principles and tools to meet the challenge and, ideally, turn the danger into an opportunity. Furthermore, the subject is relevant not just because of Covid19's significant effect on businesses and sectors of all sorts.This paper provides, a systemic review about the temporal disturbance due to Covid 19 and its several negative as well as positive effects which can permeate market practice and scholarly study for a long time, providing prospects for long-term influence for researchers working in this area.

How to Cite

Eugin Prakash Pathrose, Bharati Shetty, & Selvaraju, M. (2021). Managing business in COVID-19 era: Opportunities in E-commerce and Teleworking sector. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from
Abstract 73 |

Article Details


COVID 19, Ecommerce, Teleworking, E-learning, B2B, B2C, social media, digitalization, transparency, web analytics

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