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Published Oct 17, 2021
P. Bini Palas, Hariohm Varush, V. Chandru K. Hariharan Mayakannan Selvaraju


Purpose: The objective of the paper is to introduce an application that allows donating funds  necessities to orphanages through a webpage which is incredibly safe and user friendly.

Methodology: A system which employs online servers with the help of socket communication and client server communication using Content Delivery Network (CDN) is developed. The system battles the issues found in existing systems by having a wide list of orphanages present including its vital information and also donation information. It also has an authentication system which requires information only privy to said orphanage managers such as their license number, FCRA certificate and 80G certificate and is extremely hard to crack. This boosts up confidence and trust among the donors The first stage of proposed project is to create a medium between all the clients of said servers and the server. This is done by using socket communication. Application Programming Interface (API), serves as an interface for the application. Communication between client server communications is made through Content Delivery Network. Authentication is an important part of the project to have secure and safe transactions.

Findings: The findings indicate that orphanages will be able to receive donations in an authentic manner. The project uses sockets for communication between different clients connected to the server. The system will then be able to send the data between the clients and the server at a transport layer level using sockets so that the connected clients don’t have to refresh the connection to see the changes. REST API is a major component of the system. Representational state transfer (REST) is an http protocol subset for architecture applications that makes use of web services. It consists of a set of rules that developers abide by, to create their own API. At its core, a CDN is a network of servers which are linked together to deliver content as cheaply, swiftly, reliably and securely as possible. CDN will station servers at the exchange points between different networks for faster speed. These points are called Internet exchange points and are the primary location where different Internet providers supply each other with traffic. Registration of orphanages involves the orphanage owner to share their licence number, FCRA registration and 80G certificate. The orphanages have to submit these mandate documents to get registered. To authenticate the clients/users, JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication is used. JWT authentication involves JSON Web Token which is used to generate tokens for an application. It works by creating a token that authenticates or proves the user’s indent and will then transfer the data to the client. Then the client will transfer the said token to the server back again for the following request so that the server will be able to know that a request is transferred from a certain identity.

Originality/value: In this study, the developed webpage promotes an authentication system which disables fraud and also legitimizes the orphanages which creates trust between the orphanages and the donors that the orphanage will make good use of the funds.

How to Cite

P. Bini Palas, Hariohm Varush, V. Chandru, K. Hariharan, & Selvaraju, M. (2021). CLIENT SERVER APPLICATION TO AID THE NECESSITIES OF THE NEEDY. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from
Abstract 96 |

Article Details


REST API, Socket communication, CDN, MongoDB, JSON

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