A Demonstration of Potential Role of Golden Ratio in Product Design Applications

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Published Oct 11, 2021
Simranjeet Singh
Rajesh Kumar Kaushal
Naveen Kumar


The innovations in the field of product design can be directly associated with the optimization of various geometrical parameters. The motivation to improve the design dimensions, may come from the evolutionary process of life on Earth. The natural process of emergence of various biological species and their transition into the current form, has taken the millions of years of natural selection. For instance, the continuous struggle for survival has resulted in the optimal design of flying patterns of few birds [1]. Biomimicry is undoubtedly, one of the key methods of obtaining the best possible designs e.g., the aerodynamics of man-made vehicles can be improved using boxfish-based geometry [2]. Interestingly, there are some exceptional geometrical patterns and ratios which appear to be more adopted by nature, in comparison to the others. One of such geometrical ratios is Golden ratio (denoted by Φ = 1.618), which is derived as the ratio of any two consecutive numbers of Fibonacci series. Fibonacci series (1,1,2,3,5,8, 13….) is defined as the sequence of numbers, where each number is the sum of two preceding numbers. It is well-recognized observation that golden ratio (Φ) plays a crucial role in the structure of human heart [3], Circle of Willis [4], Spiral pattern of plant organs [5], and even in stance to swing ratio, which is an important walking parameter for maintaining stability during movement [6]. The occurrence of golden ratio in certain natural life forms, is a manifestation of its wide acceptance during the evolutionary process in organisms. The present research is thus motivated from the biological occurrences of geometrical patterns defined by golden ratio. Significance of this research rests on one of the basic principles of product design, called biomimicry. Moreover, as a consequence of few previous works, it can be directly emphasized that the golden ratio has a potential role to play in aesthetics as well as in functional aspects of products. Fig.1 illustrates some of the natural examples of existence of golden ratio in aesthetic designs.

How to Cite

Singh, S., Kaushal, R. K. ., & Kumar, N. (2021). A Demonstration of Potential Role of Golden Ratio in Product Design Applications. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from https://spast.org/techrep/article/view/2392
Abstract 167 |

Article Details

[1] Tucker VA, Tucker AE, Akers K, Enderson JH. Curved flight paths and sideways vision in peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus). J Exp Biol. 2000 Dec;203(Pt 24):3755-63. PMID: 11076739.
[2] Andrei Kozlov, Harun Chowdhury, Israt Mustary, Bavin Loganathan, Firoz Alam,Bio-Inspired Design: Aerodynamics of Boxfish, Procedia Engineering, Volume 105, 2015, Pages 323-328, ISSN 1877-7058,
[3] Kenan Yalta, Selcuk Ozturk, Ertan Yetkin, Golden Ratio and the heart: A review of divine aesthetics,
International Journal of Cardiology, Volume 214, 2016, Pages 107-112, ISSN 0167-5273,
[4] Dibya Jyoti Mahakul, Jaya Agarwal, Pentagon Inside the Circle of Willis and the Golden Ratio, World Neurosurgery,Volume156,2021,Pages23-26,ISSN1878-8750, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wneu.2021.09.006.
[5] Lanling Zeng, Guozhao Wang, Modeling golden section in plants, Progress in Natural Science, Volume 19, Issue 2,2009, Pages 255-260, ISSN 1002-0071,
[6] Marco Iosa, Daniela De Bartolo, Giovanni Morone, Tommaso Boffi, Elisa Mammucari, Giuseppe Vannozzi, Fabiano Bini, Franco Marinozzi, Gabriella Antonucci, Stefano Paolucci, Gait phase proportions in different locomotion tasks: The pivot role of golden ratio, Neuroscience Letters, Volume 699, 2019, Pages 127-133, ISSN 0304-3940,
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