AMBA AHB Bus with Multiple Masters Using VHDL

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Published Oct 8, 2021
Mayakannan Selvaraju Hitanshu Saluja Naresh Grover


This article depicts the execution of the DDR3 controller of AMBA Bus with four experts is portrayed in this paper. DDR3 controller is associated with the AMBA AHB Bus. DDR3 controller is an equipment include. It empowers the development of squares of information from fringe to memory, memory to fringe, memory to memory and fringe to fringe. This development of information lessens the heap on the processor. A DDR3 controller saves power in a framework by placing the CPU in a low force state. An AXI 4.0 execution in SOC configuration lessens the limits of correspondence by decreasing information rates. The proposed configuration utilizes AXI 4.0 conventions with a memory regulator interface. AXI 4.0 convention upholds various IDs and channel handshaking rather than judge. In AXI 4.0 five individual exchange channels are proposed to convey in different expert and various slave frameworks so numerous bosses can discuss all the while with numerous slaves and wonderful parallelism is accomplished. All the control circuitry is synthesized using Xilinx 13.1 and simulation waveforms are achieved by using Modelsim 6.5e.

How to Cite

Selvaraju, M., Hitanshu Saluja, & Naresh Grover. (2021). AMBA AHB Bus with Multiple Masters Using VHDL. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from
Abstract 156 |

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AMBA 2.0, AXI4.0, SoC, DDR

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