Block Chain and Edge Computing Base Design Secured Framework for Tender

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Published Oct 8, 2021
Mayakannan Selvaraju Karthic R.M. S.RanjithKumar N.Nandhini P.L.Kaliappan


Purpose: The objective of this paper is to create a secured website for government tender using block chain technology

Methodology: block chain is implemented for all login form, tenders information, agent’s information and users’ information and it will record all the information done by the user or agent so it is difficult to hack or cheat the system. The time stamp and block chain is implemented for all the histories

Findings: The Motive of the tender project is to provide a more secure framework for the government and avoid cor-ruption, security issues, and the main disadvantage is tender process is fully online, and the public does not have an idea about tender and what is happening inside the process. In order to avoid all those things we have created one new website and totally we are having five modules admin, agent, public, blockchain, cryp-tographic techniques. With the help of all these things, we will be implementing the government tender web-site with rules and regulations given by the government.

Originality/value: AES Algorithm: To generate ciphertext, the Rijndael program employs a SP internet with many rounds. The numerical of circular is determined by the clue measurements.  

How to Cite

Selvaraju, M., R.M., K., S.RanjithKumar, N.Nandhini, & P.L.Kaliappan. (2021). Block Chain and Edge Computing Base Design Secured Framework for Tender. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from
Abstract 155 |

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Blockchain, Cryptography, AES Algorithm, Edge Computing, Government, Admin, Agent, Public

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