Rapid Embedded Systems Prototyping Redefined: TARS Plug and Play Electronics for Industry, Scientific, and Education

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Published Apr 16, 2024
Anjana S Hari Mohan Srinesh Thakur


This article marks the inception of the TARS Electronic board series, addressing the challenges inherent in Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded systems development. Traditional approaches often consume significant human-hours in addressing issues like breadboard errors, coding, and soldering during prototype realization. TARS plug-and-play electronic modules emerge as a transformative solution, minimizing time and effort while offering an ideal platform for micro and small-scale enterprises, students, and researchers. Featuring the capability to integrate over fifty sensors and various electronic components, including HDMI, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi, this board transforms into a cluster of IoT systems, streamlining development processes and fostering innovation. Additionally, it serves as an excellent platform for skill development of the electronics engineering workforce, enhancing proficiency and expertise in emerging technologies.

How to Cite

Anjana S, Hari Mohan, & Srinesh Thakur. (2024). Rapid Embedded Systems Prototyping Redefined: TARS Plug and Play Electronics for Industry, Scientific, and Education. SPAST Reports, 1(4). Retrieved from https://spast.org/ojspath/article/view/4969
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IoT, WI-FI, ZigBee, HDMI, Bluetooth, Skill Development

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Innovative Electronics