SPAST Reports 2024-04-07T15:37:42+00:00 Srinesh Singh Thakur Open Journal Systems <p><em><strong>SPAST Reports</strong> </em>serves as the publishing outlet for conferences organized on the VectMag virtual conference platform. Our journal aims to provide a platform for researchers, academics, and professionals to share their findings and advancements with a global audience.</p> <p>Our Editorial Committee consists of experts from various fields, ensuring the quality and integrity of the content we publish. You can find the current list of Editorial Committee members <a href="" target="_new">here</a>.</p> <p>Handling editors team for SPAST reports can be accessed <a href="">here</a></p> <p>We focus on a range of thrust areas, including:</p> <ul> <li>Materials Science &amp; Engineering</li> <li>Micro &amp; Nanotechnologies</li> <li>Computers &amp; IT (AI, Machine Learning, Big Data)</li> <li>Wireless Technologies (IoT, Wireless Power Transfer, 5G, LTE)</li> <li>Biosciences, Biomedical, and Biotechnologies</li> <li>Pharmaceuticals and Drug Delivery</li> <li>Agriculture, Water, Environment, and Sciences</li> <li>Humanities, Management, Finance &amp; Fintech, and Economics</li> </ul> <p>SPAST Reports welcomes submissions that contribute to advancing knowledge in these areas. Whether you're an established researcher or new to the field, we invite you to share your work with us.</p> <p>Thank you for your interest in SPAST Reports. We look forward to collaborating with you in advancing scientific knowledge.</p> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Important Note:</strong></span></em></p> <p>Each conference hosted by VectMag is centered around a specific theme, and the articles accepted for publication in the corresponding issues must align with the theme of the respective conference series. For instance, the PAMIR series exclusively accepts articles related to Humanities, Management, and Finance. Similarly, the AI4IOT series welcomes articles covering topics in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), as well as discussions on 5G, 6G, Internet of Things (IoT), and related fields.</p> <p><strong>Year of Starting the Journal: 2024</strong></p> <p><strong>Frequency of Publication: Monthly</strong></p> <p><strong>Subject: Multidisciplinary</strong></p> <p><strong>Format of Publication: Online</strong></p> <p><strong>Language: English</strong></p> Interactive Methods of Teaching Students Oral Speech in the Credit Module System 2024-04-07T14:42:07+00:00 Abduxafizova Nargiza Abduxafizovna <p>This article provides insights into the credit-modular system, exploring its characteristics and the<br>implementation of this system within the education framework of Uzbekistan. It delves into the<br>significance, features, capabilities, and advantages of the credit-modular system on a global scale. The work<br>elucidates contemporary requirements for the content of foreign language training tailored for students<br>pursuing non-linguistic specialties, particularly within the context of a unified European educational space.<br>This information holds value for the domestic higher education system, contributing to the development and<br>cultivation of key competencies in future specialists. The article also examines foreign and domestic<br>experiences in organizing foreign language training, highlighting the primary attributes of the<br>Europeanization of education and the adaptive educational potential embedded in foreign language training<br>practices. These insights aim to facilitate their constructive integration into the domestic system of higher<br>professional education. Furthermore, the article meticulously details popular technologies and methods<br>employed in foreign language training within countries boasting developed socio-economic systems. It<br>provides a comprehensive overview of their potential applications in the practice of foreign language<br>training for students, proposing principles of adaptation and conditions for their utilization within<br>universities, particularly in the context of the ongoing Europeanization of education.</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abduxafizova Nargiza Abduxafizovna Exploring Sociolinguistic Awareness in ESL Learning: A Focus on Uzbekistan 2024-04-07T14:26:08+00:00 Bakhriddinova Dilobar <p>This study explores how sociolinguistic awareness affects the acquisition of English as a Second Language<br>(ESL) in Uzbekistan, a country with various sociocultural and sociolinguistic circumstances. ESL proficiency<br>heavily relies on sociolinguistic awareness or the knowledge of how language functions in various<br>sociocultural contexts. The study combines quantitative and qualitative techniques to investigate this<br>phenomenon thoroughly. The results show that sociolinguistic awareness and sociocultural competence,<br>sociolinguistic adaptation, and total language competency among ESL learners are strongly positively<br>correlated. This study highlights the transformative potential of incorporating sociolinguistic training into the<br>ESL curriculum, giving students the tools to traverse various sociocultural environments successfully</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bakhriddinova Dilobar Formation of Mathematical Thinking Competence in Students as a Scientific Pedagogical Issue 2024-04-07T14:15:24+00:00 Kenjayeva Sanobar Ibragimovna <p>School education is a part of the continuous education system that requires special attention. The door to all<br>the opportunities necessary to achieve the effectiveness of quality education on a global scale is being opened<br>on a large scale. How to build a 21st century school system? such questions are also being considered at the<br>level of global education policy. Systematic work is being carried out in the environment of digitalization of<br>education, introduction of the most advanced methods of teaching on the basis of digital technologies related<br>to education and training, in accordance with the standards of world education. Today, global globalization<br>processes have an impact on the development of science, education, art, culture, sports, economy, business,<br>marketing, construction industry, production, and so on. it is known to everyone. In particular, the processes<br>of globalization have brought about important changes in the field of education. First of all, these are<br>characterized by transformation processes, that is, deep, new qualitative changes in the quality, efficiency,<br>structure, and functions of education. This article talks about the reasons why the development of<br>mathematical thinking competence is considered as a pedagogical problem and the methods of solving the<br>problem, as well as information about the opinions of scientists, types of thinking and existing problems in<br>school.</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kenjayeva Sanobar Ibragimovna Pedagogical Terms and Their Social Nature 2024-04-03T16:18:59+00:00 Mоkhinur B. Nizоmоvа <p>In wоrld linguistics, а lоt оf аttentiоn is pаid tо the prаcticаl reseаrch оf аll аreаs thаt mаke up the study оf the terminоlоgicаl level. Undоubtedly, the rоle оf lаnguаge is incоmpаrаble in the rise оf а peоple tо the stоry оf а nаtiоn аnd in the cоhesiоn оf the peоple whо mаke up this nаtiоn in the wаy оf their dreаms аnd gоаls. Currently, аctive integrаtiоn аnd mutuаl sоlidаrity relаtiоns hаve been fоrmed between the wоrld cоuntries in cоnnectiоn with the exchаnge оf experience in the intensive teаching аnd leаrning оf fоreign lаnguаges аnd the develоpment оf internаtiоnаl cооperаtiоn. А term is similаr tо а lexicаl unit аccоrding tо the tаsk оf expressing а cоncept, оbject, оr event. The mаin sign оf the term is its terminоlоgicаl essence. This symbоl is expressed аccоrding tо the tаsk оf nаming а speciаl cоncept оr оbject. In аdditiоn, eаch term belоngs tо а speciаl field аnd serves а specific field оf knоwledge аnd аctivity. This аrticle is devоted tо the study оf pedаgоgic terms аnd the wаys аnd nаture оf sоciаl develоpment аnd fоrmаtiоn. Issues such аs the ethnic grоups оf the pedаgоgicаl lаnguаge, the emergence, аnd develоpment оf the pedаgоgicаl lаnguаge, аnd its fаctоrs аre аlsо pаrt оf the оbject оf study оf sоciоlinguistics. Pedаgоgicаl terms аnd functiоnаl grоups оf pedаgоgicаl lаnguаge meаn whаt kind оf pedаgоgicаl lаnguаge teаm it serves.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mоkhinur B. Nizоmоvа Critical Assessment of the Text Akida by Abu Jafar Takhav 2024-04-03T15:15:32+00:00 Sagdiev Khabibullo <p>This article contains the information about the content, as well as the analysis of the copies of the manuscripts of the treatise “Akida” by Abu Jafar Takhavi, a famous Egyptian scientist who lived in the 9<sup>th</sup>-10<sup>th</sup> centuries, famous for his works in the field of hadith, the Koran and dogmatic theology. The work “al-Akidatu-t-Takhaviya” is widely known, and has also been commented on by medieval and modern scholars not only in those countries where the Hanafi school predominates, but also in other regions where other madhhabs “akhlu-s-sunna va’- l-jama’a.” In particular, the article, conducting a codicological analysis of different copies of treatise manuscripts stored in various collections around the world, deeply explores some topics of dogmatic theology. Also, by conducting a comparative analysis of copies of manuscripts of the work, the reasons for the use of certain terms in the same context are assessed from the point of view of dogmatic theology. The article will use the copies of the manuscripts of the treatise, which are stored in Egypt, where the author himself lived, as well as Turkish funds, which are famous for the large number of copies of manuscripts of various Islamic works.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sagdiev Khabibullo Integrating Technology, Empowering Teachers: A Roadmap to Continuous Professional Advancement 2024-04-03T15:04:00+00:00 Sug’diyona Otamirzayeva Jahongir Ashurov <p>This study investigates the impact of digital transformation on a teacher's professional self-development in the educational environment. The objective is to examine how the potential for professional development in the digitally integrated educational environment influences teacher self-development. The study involved forty-three teachers from Uzbekistan, and research methods included surveys and correlation analysis. The results show that 85.6% of a teacher's self-development depends on the professional-developing potential of the digitally integrated educational environment, which includes microenvironments, meso-environments, and macroenvironments. Factors such as accessibility, openness, availability of resources, and interactivity play crucial roles in a teacher's self-development. The study concludes that the digital integrated educational environment has significant potential for enhancing professional and pedagogical self-development.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sug’diyona Otamirzayeva, Jahongir Ashurov Metaphorical Insights into Human Psychology in Jane Eyre 2024-04-03T14:24:33+00:00 Ulugova Shokhida Shokhrukhovna Uktamova Malika Khasanovna Abdullayeva Parvina <p>The article deals with the analyses of the metaphors that characterize the psychological state of a person. The main attention is paid to the structures reflecting the spiritual experiences of the main characters of the work - Jane Eyre, Rochester and Lord Soules. It is known that each of the mentioned characters has its own characteristics, and this, by the way, occupies a leading place in the structure of the ideological theme of the novel.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulugova Shokhida Shokhrukhovna, Uktamova Malika Khasanovna, Abdullayeva Parvina Pragmatic Insights into English Poetry: A Holistic Analysis 2024-04-07T15:37:42+00:00 Ruzibaeva Nigorakhon Rakhimovna <p>This scientific article delves into the symbiotic relationship between pragmatics and the analysis of English<br>poetry, shedding light on how linguistic context, deixis, presupposition, and speech acts intricately contribute<br>to the multifaceted layers of meaning in poetic texts. Drawing from renowned English poems, we explore the<br>nuanced ways in which pragmatics enriches the interpretative landscape, offering readers and scholars a<br>deeper understanding of the communicative intentions and aesthetic nuances within English poetic expression.<br>Through this exploration, we aim to bridge the gap between traditional literary analysis and linguistic<br>pragmatics, emphasizing the pivotal role of the latter in unravelling the artistic complexities inherent in<br>English poetry.</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ruzibaeva Nigorakhon Rakhimovna The Utilization of Technical Means in Language Teaching at Universities 2024-04-07T15:22:55+00:00 Babaeva Lyudmila Leonidovna <p>This academic article investigates the efficacy and implications of employing technical means in language<br>teaching within university settings. Rapid advancements in technology have revolutionized various aspects<br>of education, including language instruction. This article critically examines the integration of technical<br>means, such as computer-assisted language learning (CALL), online platforms, virtual reality, and mobile<br>applications, in university language classrooms. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, this<br>study aims to provide insights into the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of incorporating technical<br>means into language teaching methodologies. The findings indicate that while technical means offer numerous<br>advantages, their successful implementation requires careful planning, pedagogical considerations, and<br>ongoing support for both educators and learners.</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Babaeva Lyudmila Leonidovna Suffixal Derivation in French and Uzbek Languages 2024-04-07T14:34:08+00:00 Kavilova Laura-Aquilina <p>The article delves into the application of argotic suffixes and prefixes as derivational mechanisms for<br>conveying emotional and evaluative sentiments toward the designated object. The authors systematically<br>pinpoint the argotic suffixes that prove to be particularly effective in conveying estimation. Additionally,<br>the article sheds light on the unique trajectories through which these suffixes have been integrated into the<br>current grammatical structures of both French and Uzbek languages. Language, as a powerful medium of<br>communication, not only conveys information but also serves as a rich tapestry of expressions that reflect<br>our emotions and evaluations. One intriguing facet of linguistic evolution involves the use of argotic<br>suffixes and prefixes, which serve as potent derivational tools for articulating our emotional and evaluative<br>relationships towards the designated object. This article delves into the multifaceted realm of argotic<br>linguistic elements, exploring how they enhance our ability to express subjective sentiments</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kavilova Laura-Aquilina Interaction of Turkic Languages in Karakalpakstan 2024-04-07T14:21:09+00:00 Gulnaz Dosjanova <p>In this article, the interaction of Turkic languages in Karakalpakstan was analyzed. Although the<br>Karakalpak language belongs to the Kipchak group of Turkic languages, the reasons for the influence of the<br>Uzbek language from the Karluk group, the Turkmen language from the Oghuz group, and the Kazakh<br>language from the Kipchak group were studied. By studying the process of language interaction and its<br>causes, their development ways and characteristics, the service of this process in the enrichment of these<br>languages was determined.</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gulnaz Dosjanova Procedures for Educational Work in the Formation of Professional Qualifications 2024-04-06T20:04:26+00:00 Kayum Baymirov <p>Points of view have been put forward and substantiated regarding the training of students in educational<br>organizations as the owner of a profession and formation of their professional skills with a reliable level of<br>practical ethics, as well as finding a stable, legal and positive solution of theoretical views and practical<br>procedures.</p> 2024-04-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kayum Baymirov The Theme of Motherhood in the Novel «Zuleikha Opens Eyes» by Guizel Yakhina 2024-04-03T15:34:26+00:00 Irkabaeva Feruza Makhkamovna Sultonova Nadira Rustambekovna Usmanova Anastasia Andreevna Irkabaeva Firuza Zhumanali kizi Alikulova Raikhon Abdizhabbarovna <p>The article is devoted to the analysis of the theme of motherhood in the novel «Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes» by the modern famous Russian writer Guzel Yakhina. This study includes an analysis of the theme of motherhood as one of the main ones in the novel, which is revealed through the image of Upyrikha, which is key to the plot outline of the novel.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Irkabaeva Feruza Makhkamovna, Sultonova Nadira Rustambekovna, Usmanova Anastasia Andreevna, Irkabaeva Firuza Zhumanali kizi, Alikulova Raikhon Abdizhabbarovna Political Activity of Mustafa Shokay and Ahmed Zaki Validii in Turkestan 2024-04-03T15:08:58+00:00 Rakhmatov Murod Gaybullayevich <p>In this article, the fact that Mustafa Shokay and Ahmed Zaki Walidy are well-known state and public figures and consistent fighters for the independence of the people of Turkestan is widely covered.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rakhmatov Murod Gaybullayevich English Language Teaching and Elitism: A Comprehensive Analysis in Uzbek Higher Education 2024-04-03T14:39:29+00:00 Burieva Gulhayo Ibrokhimov Firdavs <p>This article discusses in detail the role of English as the language of instruction in higher education institutions, as well as the classification of universities based on the language of instruction, entrance requirements, and tuition fees in the higher education system of Uzbekistan</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Burieva Gulhayo, Ibrokhimov Firdavs Factors Forming the Basis of National Spiritual Culture 2024-04-03T14:15:04+00:00 Nasiba Yunusova Jamila Matkarimova <p>This article analyzes the importance of the long part of the national spiritual culture (national language, morals, mentality, customs, religious beliefs) and the upper part (folklore, holidays, ceremonies, etc.) in the upbringing of a mature generation. The article also emphasizes the importance of the education of generations based on the uniqueness of peoples. Scientific approaches and interpretations of scientists are analyzed separately.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nasiba Yunusova, Jamila Matkarimova The Role of Internet Resources in Language Teaching in Higher Education Institutions 2024-04-07T15:32:23+00:00 Sirajitdinova Nargiza Usmanalievna <p>This article examines the significant role of internet resources in language teaching within Higher Education<br>Institutions (HEIs). With the rapid advancement of technology and the widespread availability of the internet,<br>educators have gained access to a plethora of online tools, materials, and platforms that can enhance language<br>learning experiences. This article explores the benefits, challenges, and effective strategies for integrating<br>internet resources into language teaching in HEIs. It also discusses the implications for educators and offers<br>recommendations for maximizing the potential of internet resources in language education.</p> 2024-04-07T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sirajitdinova Nargiza Usmanalievna