Arduino Uno Based Home Automation Using IoT

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Published Sep 14, 2021
Ajay Saini


In this modern era, internet plays a major role which led to the development of Internet of Things (IoT). IoT helps to control the hardware devices through internet from anywhere in the world. Automation saves energy and protects the environment from accidents. In earlier days, automation uses Bluetooth modules to accomplish the task. Now a days the emerging technology IoT has been used in automation. IoT is proposed here for energy efficient smart home application. In this paper, implementation of home automation involves both controlling and monitoring of appliances in home. Here, the implementation is carried out by Arduino micro controller which is connected to a Wi-Fi module and Cloud Server to control the home appliances. Mobile app is also developed for remote control and operation of the smart home.

How to Cite

Saini, A. (2021). Arduino Uno Based Home Automation Using IoT. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from
Abstract 84 |

Article Details


IoT, Home Automation, SDG, Sustainable Development Goals, UN

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