Online learning: ICT-based Tools for Interaction and Effectiveness

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Published Oct 9, 2021
S.VADIVEL Dr. A. Ganesan Dr.Thomas Alwa Edison. K


COVID 19 has been a challenge in all sectors and education in particular. During the pandemic, there was an immediate and compulsory shift in conducting classes via online mode. Several colleges and schools have asked their teachers to hold classes online, yet most of them are neither equipped nor in the mindset to adapt to this new teaching methodology. Despite these limitations, Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and other platforms have become integral parts of lecturing and learning. Subjects have been taught using these platforms. Despite the challenges, classes are still held online and teachers are still able to reach students. It is important to note, however, that there are some notable challenges across all sessions that remain unnoticed and unrectified. In an online environment, controlling students' absences, engaging all students in discussions, monitoring their presence, keeping them active, conducting assessments, and nurturing creativity are all questionable. Research is needed to initiate and incorporate different ICT (Information Communication Technology) tools, in order to facilitate effective teaching and learning. The purpose of this paper is to identify the various ICT tools and resources that can be used to support the above-discussed problems and make online teaching and learning more effective.

How to Cite

S.VADIVEL, Dr. A. Ganesan, & Dr.Thomas Alwa Edison. K. (2021). Online learning: ICT-based Tools for Interaction and Effectiveness. SPAST Abstracts, 1(01). Retrieved from
Abstract 82 |

Article Details


Pandemic, challenge, education, online, shift, limitations, teaching, learning, ICT tools, problems, monitor, conduct, effectiveness, solution

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