Special/ Focus issue title: 

Advances in Waste to Wealth Engineering and Management Sustainable Developments towards Circular Economy

Scope or call for papers:

Sustainability-driven Society and Sustainable Development Goals encompass zero waste policies. To this end, technological advances, entrepreneurship, innovative research results, new products, projects and policies as well as successful case studies for transforming waste to wealth and developing sustainable circular economy worldwide are of high demand. The current special issue is a part of the first international conference on Waste to Wealth (ICAWW). ICAWW series of International Conferences aims at addressing all major topics of transforming exhausted utilities into valuable commodities through efficient waste management towards zero waste practices. The link to the conference website can be found at: http://www.adiafricadev.org/icaww-waste-to-wealth-conference/  

Researchers are invited to submit original research articles as well as high-quality reviews, case studies and perspectives in the following major focal areas:

  1. Advances, new solutions and challenges in the management of Liquid waste, Solid Waste, Organic Waste, Recyclable Waste and hazardous Waste.
  2. Current issues in Circular Economy and Sustainability
  3. Closed-loop production systems - sustainable supply chain approaches
  4. How circular is the global economy? Proposed Metrics and Assessment of material flows, E-waste flows, waste production, and recycling in the world
  5. Effectiveness of the policies of circular economy in the world, overview of the progress and challenges
  6. 5R framework application in waste management: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse and Respond. Engineering and policy making challenges and roadmap
  7. New Technologies, Material Science, Nanotechnology and Green chemistry in circular economy applications and roadmap
  8. Creating integrated business and environmental value within the context of circular economy and ecological modernization.
  9. New Business models and Entrepreneurship for circular economy, Product design.
  10. Efficient Waste management and transformation to wealth engineering solutions and challenges.


Africa Global Development for Positive Change Initiative (ADIafrica)  N.G.O Foundation with the support of institutional partners:

  1. Gent University Belgium,
  2. Gent University Africa Platform,
  3. Brussels Government,
  4. UNEP (https://www.unep.org/ )

and major recycling companies and organizations


Structure of the submission flow:

All authors wishing to publish through this special issue must first submit a proceedings article at the ICAWW paper submission link https://conferences.uoa.gr/e/ICAWW. The detailed instructions can be found here:


Authors of the accepted proceedings articles will be sent the invitation mail to submit into the special issue.



Submission Deadline


First round of review


Submission of revised manuscripts


Final decision [Acceptance/Rejections]


Date of publication



Guest Editors:

  1. Dimitrios Karras PhD, Professor National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Dept. General, Hellas, Greece.

Contact whatsapp No. : +355 69 971 0885

email:  dimitrios.karras@gmail.com, dakarras@uoa.gr  

  1. Annelies Verdoolaege, Professor Gent University

email: annelies.verdoolaege@ugent.be

  1. Neyara Radwan, Professor Suez Canal University

email:  nrhassan@kau.edu.sa